Help Me Bring Alice to SXSWedu 2015!

As some of you may know, I’m involved with one of the most awesome transmedia storytelling projects ever, Inanimate Alice! It was named an AASL Best Website for Teaching and Learning 2012 for a good reason — it supports multiple literacies in the library and classroom like nothing else I’ve seen.

Now, I’m trying to bring Alice to SXSWedu 2015 as a hands-on playground session. Voting is open to the public, and I would certainly appreciate your vote! Here’s the link (you have to register with the SXSW PanelPicker first):

If you can, please leave a comment when you vote.




Gutenberg Revisited: How Art Teaches Literacy – SXSWedu 2013

Just wanted to share a great podcast I came across from the SXSWedu Conference. They talk about visual, media and digital literacies, and the role of fine arts in their development. This is a reminder that 21st century literacies go way beyond information literacy. I believe that both librarians and educational technologists should be leading the way toward the building of this new “convergence culture” (term coined by Henry Jenkins). This also makes me see the validity of the argument that these various literacies, which are coming from a wide variety of fields, should be merged into a single field of study.